Each year, companies along the electricity supply chain review costs and may make changes. We’re adjusting our prices to reflect these changes.
Along the supply chain, there are costs to operate, maintain and upgrade infrastructure. Electricity infrastructure includes the power stations, towers, poles, and lines that deliver electricity to your property. Maintaining and upgrading critical infrastructure helps ensure you continue to receive a safe and reliable power supply now, and as New Zealanders use more renewable electricity in their daily lives.
The Commerce Commission limits the amount that Transpower and most lines companies can earn. These are the companies that provide the infrastructure to get the electricity to your property from where it’s generated. The limits are typically set for a five year period and these have just been set for 2025 – 2030. These will be higher than previous due to increasing costs for material and labour, higher interest rates, and rising levels of investment in the electricity network.
To learn more, visit the Commerce Commission website.
Our price change includes a pass through of the increases to transmission and distribution charges. In addition, there has been an increase in the retail component of your bill. This adjustment reflects the rise in the cost of wholesale electricity and other costs. To see the impacts to your region, visit our handy map.
Find out more about how energy is changing in Aotearoa New Zealand:
Powering change - Changing the way we power Aotearoa
EECA - The future of energy in New Zealand
EA - Powering the future
MfE – Second emissions reduction plan